PCGB Workshop Visits

Written by Jon Whitmore
During this years glorious summer, Autofarm welcomed a number of the local Porsche Club GB regions to our workshops, where members were able to discuss everything Porsche with our Directors and the team.
Autofarm has always had a brilliant relationship with Porsche Club GB, so when we were approached by Region 10 to host them for coffees on a Saturday morning, the AF team were more than happy to oblige. As Saturdays are normally a working day for our team, they were extremely keen to down tools for the day and show the PCGB members around our facilities.

A simple, no fuss few hours on a Saturday morning, Pork & Coffee Down On The Farm.
It’s been nearly four years since we moved to our bespoke workshops at Boxengasse and due to the pandemic, all plans to welcome our local Porsche community were unfortunately cancelled. Organising Saturday coffee mornings is the perfect opportunity for us to show PCGB members around our workshops and this year it’s proved really popular with numerous regions.
The success of the initial Saturday with Region 10, was evidenced quickly whe the region organisor got back in contact to request another meet for later in the year. The “Pork & Coffee Down On the Farm” was a huge success, with another group of 30 members from the same region being booked.
Following a lovely write-up from the region 10 organisor, Sue Rollings, and having mentioned the visit to other regional organisors, Autofarm appeared to be a hot topic and we saw a numerous emails arrive requesting dates for potential visits.
The summer of 2022 has been really memorable for us at Autofarm, our team have hosted Saturday’s for Porsche Club GB regions 10, 21 & 31, which virtually equates to our entire local community.
Huge thanks to everyone that has attended and special thanks to the regional organisors for helping to make everything happen so smoothly.

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